If you’ve been using Windows 10 for quite a while now then you must already be aware that Windows Defenderjust works silently on the background and it really works smoothly with the operating system itself because it doesn’t show annoying prompts and play sounds that often surprises you but we’ve been receiving questions from our readers asking about the way in launching it. One of the things that Microsoft has added to it is its built-in antivirus and antispyware program called Windows Defender also known as Microsoft Security Essentials back in the days of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and even in the early days of Windows 8 before the company decided to include the software as one of the security tools in Windows 10. It has become even better when Microsoftdecided to make it capable of running in both PCs and mobile devices adding even more features to it which gave the operating system an unbeatable edge among its competition.

Windows has always been a popular operating system for PCs and laptops even before mobile versions of it was released.