You may not know this, but any device on which you read your Kindle books (e.g. Send ebooks to your device using the Amazon email address Click here if you have a Mac or Click here if you have a PC. To read an EPUB ebook on Kindle or in your Kindle app, you will first need to convert the EPUB ebook file on your computer. your Kindle, phone, tablet or computer), email the ebook to the device, using the device’s Amazon email address (link to see detailed instructions below). To add the ebook to your Kindle library on another device (e.g. the ebook is automatically added to your Kindle Library on our Mac.open Kindle for Mac on your computer and open the saved AZK ebook file inside the Kindle program.open Kindle Previewer on your Mac and convert the EPUB ebook into a AZK ebook file format.to install the Kindle for IOS program on your Mac (this can be downloaded for free here).to install the Kindle Previewer program on your Mac (this can be downloaded for free here).

Convert the EPUB file into a Kindle file format.

To read an EPUB ebook on Kindle or in your Kindle app, there are just two steps involved.